Guest berth
Welcome to the
marina of Monaise
Dear guests,
We welcome you to the marina of Monaise.
We have put together some information for you to make your stay as pleasant as possible.

+49 651 84311
Due to availability, we ask you to write an email.
Our harbour master, mostly available in the late afternoon, will help you too.
You will find his office on the 1st floor of the regatta tower.
If you have any questions, please call 06 51- 8 43 11, or send a E-Mail to

Operating times and fees
Guest fees are based on the price list given to you by the harbour master or found on the table of prices on the notice board.
Fees are payable in advance.
If the harbour master is not present, you can pay the fees using our payment envelope system:
To do so, take an envelope from the wooden box found on the left side of the harbour masters office entrance at the front of the tower.
Please fill in the information requested, calculate the mooring fees and put the money into the envelope and seal it.
Insert the envelope into the letter box slot (not the wooden box) on the left side of the entrance door to the harbour masters office.
Arrival time for guest boats from 12:00 o`clock, Departure time no later than 12:00 o´clock
Please understand that if you want to leave after 12:00 o´clock you have to pay for an additional day.
Use of our facilities
The following facilities of the port are at your disposal:
- berth according to scale of charges; WiFi included;
- Toilets, showers (hot/cold) and waste disposal for an additional fee of €3.70 per person and day;
Doors to the shower house are always open. Push hard! - Electricity (6 A) per flat rate €3.70 per day
- fresh water (max. 100 l per day) free of charge;
- benches, sun loungers, barbecue facilities free of charge;

Clubhouse „Kajüte“
The clubhouse“Kajüte“ is at your disposal.
It‘s open 24/24 hours. The door can be opened by the numerical code of the main gate.
You can buy chilled drinks at cost of sales. Please look up the pricelist attached to the refrigerator.
Please place your money in the tray of the fridge.
The barbecues are available to all harbour users.
Next to the tower there are beer benches and tables. You may use them if needed. But, please stow them away next to the tower after use.
Waste disposal
You can dispose of your waste as follows:
• Bottles in the bottle container found at the parking lot in front of the
harbour area.
• Residual waste and leftovers into the black waste container
If you have transportable containers, you can dispose your service water or faecal water in the shower house (toilet).
Please do not dump any sewage, even rinse water into the harbour.
It is not allowed to empty permanently installed tanks in our marina.
Please understand that this is a violation of law and may have legal consequences.

Access to the harbour area
For safety reasons the main gate has always be closed. Access is via the main gate, which is locked by a numerical lock. To open the gate you need a number combination. You enter the code and then push the button bearing a key symbol.
For the code, ask a club member or the harbour master.

1 Marina Trier-Monaise
2 The restaurant „Zum Moselaner“ Oberkirch 50;
Tel. 0651– 20699647
Opening hours: Tue – Sun 12: 00-am 21: 00pm, Monday closed
(2.2 km by foot)
3 Castle Monaise; fine cuisine;
Closed: Monday & Tuesday; Tel. 06 51 – 82 86 70
3a Cavallo Nero, Pizzeria, Reitanlage Monaise;
Closed: Thursday, tel. 0651- 91 89 26 29
4 Mc Donald‘s; Open 23h (3.6 km via bicycle lane)
5 Direction city centre
6 Marken Discount, Supermarket
8 BAUHAUS; ; Hardware store, Boat outfitter
9 Gas station;
Total, Eurener Str. 92, Tel. 0651 – 9 98 29 26
10 Farm shops: farmers Greif and Grundhöfer
(1.6 km, 20 minutes on foot)
Numéros de téléphone utiles
Taxi Station:
Water Police:
0651– 938190
Water and Shipping Office, Trier Lock:
0651– 3609200
Fire department, ambulance, emergency rescue service:
Medical emergency service; Feldstraße 6, 54290 Trier:
0651– 45555
Tourist Information, Porta Nigra:
0651– 978080
German Weather Service, Station Trier:
0651– 9707210
Deutsche Bahn AG, travel information:
0651– 1 18 61
Bus stops for Bus No. 3
Direction: Tarforst (downtown, Porta Nigra)
Industriegebiet Zewen from 07:00 am – 17:00 pm at 14, 34, und 54
Alte Rollbahn
Niederkircher Str.
After 18:00 pm Busnumber 81 from Luxemburgerstr

My mooring
The marina Monaise is managed by the port management of the club PST Trier e.V.
You enter the harbour area at your own risk. Pay attention to peculiarities that result from the port operation.
In particular, non-swimmers are exposed to increased risk. Please keep in mind that there is no rescue station.
The harbour operating regulations apply. You can consult this document on the notice board in front of the clubhouse.
If the harbour master is not present, look for a free berth marked „Gäste“.
If the harbour master is present, please contact him. He will confirm the mooring or assign you another mooring. If you need further assistance, he will be happy to help you